I got back on the road yesterday evening, albeit briefly and for the first time since the 5K. After the race, I was bothered with mild shin splints yet again, so I made the switch to my second pair of shoes, which are practically new. Although the run was not without pain, I could feel a definite difference in support with the newer shoes (which is exactly the same as my other pair of shoes, but I've only worn them once or twice). So hopefully I will be writing less about shin splints in the near future and more about the vast distances I've accomplished.
And now -- if I may -- let me give my shoes a long overdue shout out. They are the most wonderful running shoes I've ever owned, and obviously quite important to my success as a runner. They're made by Rykä, a company that specializes in women's athletic shoes. I wear the N-Gage Run, which I took a chance on and bought online after reading a review, and found that for runners with high arches -- like me -- it provides just the right amount of support without sacrificing flexibility. Plus they're super-light. Since I started running in them, I found that I don't have strain on my plantar fascia, or the ankle and knee problems that I used to have (from supination). Word.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sole mates
Posted by
10:04 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Shamrockin' the road
We arrived at Kelly and Adam's house around mid-afternoon on Saturday. After trekking another half-hour north and back to pick up our race packets, we spent a quiet evening at their house, watching movies on TV and eating a fine meal of chicken, broccoli and couscous prepared by Kelly. And then I realized I FORGOT MY EARMUFFS. The weather forecast for Sunday called for chilly, windy weather in the 40s, and I cannot bear to run in the chilly wind without MY EARMUFFS. My first instinct was to dash out to Target, but since it is March, I remembered, I can no longer buy EARMUFFS. I can, however, buy a bikini.
As luck would have it, I have become something of an obsessive crocheter, and had packed some yarn, hooks and scissors. So Friday evening and part of Saturday morning I spent crocheting myself a headband to cover my ears -- for which I was very grateful because it was chilly and windy, but my ears were toasty and protected from the wind. (The picture quality is poor because it's a very tiny piece of a larger picture from very far away. But you can see the headband.)We left the house late, but still managed to make it in time to find a place to get in line with the other 3,319 runners, and even still had enough time to spend a few minutes searching desperately for a restroom. We didn't find one, which may account partially for my motivation to continue running the entire distance, despite runners dropping into a walk all around me, and also for my finishing in less time than I had anticipated. Kelly and I, and at least a dozen other runners, were rewarded with an open McDonald's at the finish.
As we power walked up a giant hill to the starting line, speculating whether we would make it in time, we were surprised by the spectator turnout, which in turn prompted the most succinct summary of the event from another runner walking along with us: "This is the biggest [gathering] of drunken athletes I've ever seen."
I finished in 31:52, according to the nifty little chip timer we got to have strapped to our ankles. I have never run with anything strapped to my ankle, and though by the end I had nearly forgotten about it, at first I was disturbed by the feeling that I was wearing one sock taller than the other. Anyway, we both ran it at roughly an 11-minute mile pace, which is consistent with what I've been doing on my weekend 'long' runs, so I am quite pleased with my performance. According to the official results, I placed 2486th, and Kelly took 2488, in 31:53. We were hoping to take home at least 2479th place, but alas, it was only our first 5K. Maybe next year.
I will say that my other motivation for continuing (besides the need for a toilet) -- even though it was *HARD* -- was Kelly, who apparently gets a rush by passing people. I endured the majority of the race about three strides behind her. I wanted to walk. I won't lie. My shins were hurting. Other people were walking. And every time I'd catch up and get next to her, she'd speed up again. Doh. And I will not, cannot forget when we passed the water station -- Kelly slowing her pace and turning around to look at me as I gazed longingly at what was for that moment the most beautiful sight in Baltimore -- and instead of saying, "Hey, you look incredibly thirsty; I am too. Let's stop for a second or two and grab some of that cool, refreshing elixir of life!" -- she said, "Look! Everyone threw their cups on the ground! Isn't that crazy?!" Then she turned around and sped up. Again.
Still, she is the perfect running partner for me, and I am happy to say that I think that maybe I have convinced her that running the MCM in October with me is a FABULOUS IDEA. IT WILL BE AS MUCH FUN AS THE 5K ... times *NINE* (minus 1.7).

Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: challenges, run-o-cam, thoughts
Saturday, March 15, 2008
T minus
So here we are: the day before race day. Yesterday Keith and I took a 2.5-mile walk around the neighborhood. Spring is definitely on the way, with all the daffodils, crocus, forsythia and Bradford pears in bloom.I'm hoping to finish the race in 35 minutes or less, as there is a St. Patrick's Day parade that follows the same route starting 45 minutes after the race and I would hate to get lapped by a float. Keith and I are heading up that way in a little while, so SIL Kelly and I can pick up our race packets in Timonium. I'm a bit anxious, mostly from not having been to any of these places before, but also because my shins are feeling a bit tender. I'm stretching them, icing them, and eating plenty of ice cream. And I just try to remember that in the end I will get a new t-shirt and free beer, which is -- after all -- what running is all about.
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8:33 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Time out
I know, I've been a bad blogger. It was an unusually busy week/weekend, and with the time change, I'm feeling a little jetlagged. Or DST-lagged.
Sunday I went for a ~2 - 3-mile run with Kelly. It felt pretty good, and was nice for both of us to have a chance to run together once before the big day! (And my shins are feeling pretty good, too.) Kelly found out from her aunt and uncle -- who've run the race before -- that the course is mostly downhill, starts at a bar and ends at a bar. Perfect.
Posted by
12:11 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
How do you spell 'relief'? K-E-L-L-Y
On Saturday night we drove up to the Outback in LaPlata (did you know they're building a Texas Roadhouse up there?!! Heck yeah!) for a belated Keith's grandmother's birthday dinner, with all the Maryland Ehmans: Gma Shirley, Gpa John, Aunt Julie, Greg, Linda, Kelly, Adam, Keith and me.
There were, as usual, many conversations criss-crossing loudly across and around the table, in the middle of the noisy restaurant. And shortly before my brain imploded from too much aural stimulus, Kelly turned to me and said, "You're probably gonna leave me in the dust in the 5K." At which point I began laughing hysterically until I nearly choked on cheesecake -- a little bit sarcastic, a lotta bit relieved. "Don't worry," I said, "I'll be at the back of the pack with you."
So I'm starting off this week feeling pretty good. At least if I'm going to suck at running in public, I won't be alone.
Posted by
9:55 AM
Labels: thoughts