Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Out for Blooooooood

It's been almost a week, I know, I know. Oops.

Quickly then, I'll just say the 5K was a good run, generally fun, though mostly uphill which kind of sucked. But our time was right about the same as the last one, which had been mostly downhill (maybe even better if it hadn't been for awful cramps in Kelly's stomach and calf that required a few minutes' walking). Surely this is a sign of improvement. Adam finished in a little over 26 minutes, very respectable for one who hasn't been racing in years, although he is 6' 3" with very long legs.

The race was small, only about 150 people, but the Druid Hill Park course was nice (except for making us run the final quarter-mile uphill), there was lots of cheering and encouragement coming up to the finish line, and the post-race food was awesome. I love the Red Cross.

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