On Saturday, Keith and I decided to bundle up and take the run-o-cam out to St. Mary's Lake for a hike on the 7.5-mile lakeside trail. Neither of us have hiked this trail before, which is silly since we don't live more than 10 miles away from it. Still, it was a pretty easy trail, with only mud and some particularly aggressive tree roots to really slow us down--the length of it being the most challenging feature--and we will definitely be going back.Despite the location, the lake was really only visible for the first 2 miles or so. We saw lots of trees. I am fine with this, however, because as much as I prefer water to woods, I can only stand to look at placid bodies of water for just so long.
But I must say, woods *do* have some pretty interesting things going on. At least they make for an interesting hike until it all starts to look the same and you just want to get the hell home to a nice, fat cheeseburger. The air started to smell like snow about one-third of the way through, and the sky of course looked a bit ominous, and we thought maybe it would start snowing while we were on the trail. As we neared the finish--maybe 2 miles from the end--we finally started seeing flurries, but the heavier snow held off until we were safe and warm at home, each enjoying a delicious burger (with cheese for me!) and fries.

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