Friday, June 13, 2008

Ready to run

Just a quick note here. I'm in the middle of trying to pack up a small bag of clothes and shampoo and soap and stuff for the short overnight trip we'll be making up to Kelly's, and find directions to parking for the event. She and I (and Adam, too!) are running in the OUT FOR BLOOOOOD 5K tomorrow morning in Baltimore (you really need to say it like that). I'm really excited because of the name. I'm not excited about having to leave almost immediately afterward to drive the two hours back home to celebrate Father's Day with my dad because Sunday morning we have to drive two hours back up to celebrate my mother-in-law and her twin sister's 50th birthday, which is really today, and because clearly Saturday was not a good enough option. Please don't ask me what I really think about the whole thing.

I'll try to get on sometime this weekend, maybe, possibly...or, like, let you know how the 5K goes. Meanwhile here's the snake we found last week in the tree near my car, that I said I'd post a picture of. I'm not sure what Keith was trying to do though.

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