Monday, November 26, 2007


It's official! Today I completed the first workout of my marathon training--a 30 minute brisk walk--despite the overwhelming urge not to because it was gloomy and dark. As you can see from this blurry one, I *was* actually moving.

I wanted to start with 30 minute walks for several reasons. First of all, I haven't been running in a very long time and didn't think it would be a good idea to destroy my knees right off the bat. Second, as I reached the end of the walk (exactly 2 miles in 30 minutes, not too shabby in my opinion) I was overcome with a nearly irresistable urge to break into a full out sprint the rest of the way to my car. And by forcing myself to maintain a brisk walking pace--no more, no less--I realized that I am also exercising the mental restraint I will need to keep from running as fast as I possibly can early on and burning out in the middle of a race.

I then came home after narrowly avoiding an accident which would have become a four-car pile-up if my brakes weren't so darn good and ate a medium-sized slice of pie. Pecan. For protein.

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