Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Review: January

I know I've been absent from blogging. It's been a busy week. But hopefully you will find it in your hearts to see that 14 hours of painting and two days of moving office furniture that can only be described as "effing heavy" count toward my fitness goals, one way or another. I was planning to start 5K training this week. I was also planning to register for a 5K this week. So far I haven't done either.

In the meantime, I've put together a calendar of my workout achievements (and shortfalls) for the past four weeks. You will notice that my star-earning rate is currently at 70.83%. That's a C-minus. Eww.

**Okay, at the moment I can't get the stupid table to display properly. So you'll see it when I have more time to be angry and get frustrated.**

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