Monday, January 28, 2008


Good Ness, it's nippy outside today! I'm off to a good start this week, thanks to Jen, who suggested walking at lunchtime on Monday and Wednesday. And I'm grateful for it (the good start) after a poor, unenthusiastic finish last week. I barely made it to the gym on Friday, and didn't even think about going out on Saturday, although I am tempted to give myself a star anyway because climbing up and down stairs and a ladder to finish packing up and putting the Christmas decorations in the attic was hard work. My crook-of-arm muscles are still a little sore from it.

Anyway, here is Jen trying to keep her ears warm against the wind:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so damn sexy!!!

And you are truly one awesome friend for walking *half* of our walk with me, like that.

:) I'll bring ear warmers on Wednesday - promise!