Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Will work for stars

You are looking at the face of a woman who, with every molecule in her body, absolutely, resolutely did not want to go to the gym tonight, but who, against her conscious will, forced herself to go anyway. And she is now exhausted. She hated the treadmill tonight. She loathed the very act of moving. And as she walked, then ran, then walked, then ran, then walked, she detested marathons, and triathlons and decathlons and anything else that ends in -thlon (or -thon). What am I doing? I won't be able to run that 5K in March. This is stupid. Remind me, Self, why are we doing this? But dammit she wanted to earn a star on her blog, and so she went, she ran, she blogged. You are looking at the face of a woman who is in control of her own destiny. All is well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your *!!!

We should've gone to the gym together -- I got stood-up by my gym partner and ended up doing my own version of a super-trooper-pissed-off-turbo workout. Now my shoulder and my foot hurt and my blog doesn't give me any gold stars... :(

I'm so *proud* of you!