Monday, March 3, 2008

How do you spell 'relief'? K-E-L-L-Y

On Saturday night we drove up to the Outback in LaPlata (did you know they're building a Texas Roadhouse up there?!! Heck yeah!) for a belated Keith's grandmother's birthday dinner, with all the Maryland Ehmans: Gma Shirley, Gpa John, Aunt Julie, Greg, Linda, Kelly, Adam, Keith and me.

There were, as usual, many conversations criss-crossing loudly across and around the table, in the middle of the noisy restaurant. And shortly before my brain imploded from too much aural stimulus, Kelly turned to me and said, "You're probably gonna leave me in the dust in the 5K." At which point I began laughing hysterically until I nearly choked on cheesecake -- a little bit sarcastic, a lotta bit relieved. "Don't worry," I said, "I'll be at the back of the pack with you."

So I'm starting off this week feeling pretty good. At least if I'm going to suck at running in public, I won't be alone.

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